Author: Melissa

Episode 15 – Prediabetes

Prediabetes story: getting a diagnosis of prediabetes, what I did and some great low-carb snack recipes! Welcome! Today we will be talking about: Prediabetes and some great low-carb snack recipes! Questions we hope to answer: Getting diagnosed with prediabetes and what you can do about it? What are some of the items a person with…
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3 Ways to Change Your Mindset: Reframe, Deal, Think Positive of Future

3 WAYS TO CHANGE YOUR MINDSET: REFRAME. DEAL (i.e. YOU CAN HANDLE THIS).  THINK POSITIVE OF FUTURE. REFRAME. What is reframing? Reframing is a general method of changing the meaning of something and thereby changing your mindset and how you handle the situation. Because so often your happiness is down due to your outlook, not…
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Facing Your Fears Head On

I feel one of the ways to apply innovateology to your life is to face your fears. In a way, whether you know it or not, your fears are always in the background of your life even though you may not feel them day to day. If you identify them and face them you will…
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Work-Life Balance and Productivity: Working from home

For me, looking back at my previous life in large corporate, I did not have a good work-life balance as I was a more of workaholic…spending minimum 11-12 hours a day working and driving plus working weekends traveling for market research or conventions. Now today I’m actually out of corporate and work part-time for myself…
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